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Luke of the Kazamasa clan. i eat junk food, dance to music, read fanfiction, watch anime, fight evil deathbots, and love love love my family and friends.

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Layout credits
Codes by 16thday!
Background from here, profile icon from thefadingnight.
article twenty three.
Saturday, August 28, 2010 6:01 PM

cam whoring = one hour of my life wasted
although i did finish chapter three of timeless and i'm writing chapter four now.
i shall upload chapter three after dinner though, have to edit it and try to add some more to it.
so short !

article twenty two.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010 10:53 PM
arghhh i can't figure out how to continue writing timeless.
it's pissing me off.
and i finished the second chapter except that it's about 450 words long which is uber short and all.
but i think i can make up for it by making the third chapter longer...

article twentyone.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010 7:22 PM
getting back into writing fanfiction. it's actually pretty fun.

latest chapter of happiness is based on the current weather -.-

article twenty.
Sunday, June 27, 2010 7:17 PM
slept for thirteen hours today. sleep you must truly love me :)

article nineteen.
Thursday, June 24, 2010 6:25 PM
oh how hallucinations sure are fun...

article eighteen.
Saturday, June 19, 2010 8:13 PM
australia vs ghana on tonight !
australia better win ! or i'm going to be pissed...
well not really.

usa managed to get two goals back last night/this morning :)

oh yes and japan is going to get killed by netherlands today.
i will watch and pray.

article seventeen.
Thursday, June 17, 2010 8:19 PM
okay anyways today was photoshoot !
no school !

my alarm went blaring off at seven ay em, which was probably not a great idea because wc was keeping me up all night. spain got owned ! !

morning routine stuff... then my dad drove me to the studio place-o.
it was the norm.

here's my best photo (:
edited by yours truly.

article sixteen.
8:18 PM
you know i know exactly what is going to happen if i get out of my 'blog everyday' routine.
the same thing that happened in december...
a catastrophe ! D:

article fifteen.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010 7:11 PM
never went to watch prince of persia: sands of time yesterday.
so basically a waste of a day.
japan won yesterday !

and that's about it from me.
really badly need to go and wash my hair...

article fourteen.
Monday, June 14, 2010 4:04 PM
such a crappy day >.<
well the first half was good, but just went really downhill...

article thirteen.
1:17 PM
i just remembered that i have an essay due tomorrow... crap !
i could start it now or somehow bullshit my way through it tomorrow.
or kent might not have everybody hand it in.
which is great !

i'll start it later, but it can't be before the fifa starts otherwise i'll fall asleep.

article twelve.
1:13 PM
photoshoot on thursday !

i'll upload the best photos onto here.

article eleven.
11:45 AM
bored, bored, bored !

i'm pondering whether or not to go to macquarie and watch prince of persia: sands of time right now...
i have nothing to do today so yes that i why i'm considering going...

should i ?

article ten.
11:40 AM
should i do daily post now ?
instead of just writing random things up aka i brushed my teeth this morning !

but i'm not far enough into the day to do a daily so i'll just blog about what i have done today !

lets see. i woke up at eight thirty ay em (so very grateful for the queen)
then i ate breakfast. what did i have ? eggs ? toast ? water ? you know the cliche breakfast.
fed my dog and cat <3
then went on the computer.
finished off this fanfic.
and now i'm here !
what an eventful day ey ?

article nine.
11:28 AM
it's official, australia's football team sucks ass...
germany owned 4-0 man !

yeah.. hopefully japan makes it through though :)
yes that is truely all that i care about now. because in my opinion usa should really stick to baseball and american football.

article eight.
Sunday, June 13, 2010 6:26 PM
new twitter !

article seven.
5:53 PM
because i haven't been on the computer for like three months i lost all of my stuff :(

so i had to make a new fanfiction account.. ARGH !
oh well. gives me a chance to restart everything i guess.
also considering making a deviantart account. even though i can't draw. it'll probably be just for favouriting things.

article six.
5:43 PM
i'm thinking of making a twitter.
should i ?

it'll just be filled with football news and random crap about my super boring life.

seriously all i do is read fanfiction, watch anime, bullshit my way through school and ice-skate.

article five.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009 3:56 PM
new layout !

article four.
3:33 PM
looking for a new layout.

i doubt anybody reads my blog, but good to know that my blog will look good now.

article three.
3:29 PM
anyone notice the irony behind procrastination ?

article two.
Thursday, December 10, 2009 10:07 PM
just posted a comment on someones blog.
i hope they get to read it though.
although i suspect that the writer has abandoned their blog.
and unless they get email updates about it they will never know.

article one.
9:54 PM

what do people talk about on their blogs anyways ?